A Kick Ass Flu Remedy
Feb 22, 2018There’s a major flu epidemic out there. Even people who don’t ordinarily get sick have found themselves seriously ill this winter with incapacitating headaches, fevers, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea and/or vomiting. It’s been so bad that people who say they would never see doctors, have been scared enough to head to hospital emergency rooms.
If that’s been you, this blog may give you the information you need to avoid a repeat episode. And if the flu hasn’t caught up with you yet, the suggestions in this blog can help you kick it back during the early stages.
This three-step protocol comes from my friend and colleague, Galen D. Knight, PhD, an independent researcher who has investigated the roles of vitalethine in immunological, infectious, autoimmune, and endocrine diseases. His flu protocol is simple, inexpensive and has worked for me and dozens of my clients and friends.
Start with a quality grapefruit seed extract. My favorite brand is Wisdom of the Ages Advantage Liquid Concentrate. You need less than a dropper full, which needs to be diluted about one to three with water. For an adult, this usually means about 15 drops in about a quarter cup of water. Full-strength grapefruit seed extract will burn so keep it away from your eyes, ears and any mucous membranes.
The grapefruit seed extract alone may be sufficient, but you can also add St. John’s Wort, Elderberry syrup or other herbal and nutritional antivirals. Dr. Knight finds the ethanol forms to be the most effective and reports they can be added full strength without problems.
Once you have successfully kept the grapefruit seed extract and the optional antiviral herbs down for half an hour, follow with a slurry of diatomaceous earth in water. The dose is one tablespoon of food grade diatomaceous earth for every 100 pounds of body weight. This product must be labeled “food grade” and suitable for human and pet use. My favorite brand is Perma Guard Fossil Flour. Another option is Wisdom of the Ages Toxiclenz, a product I’ve often recommended as part of detoxification programs. It contains a mix of diatomaceous earth and inositol.
Allow your body to fully recover even if you start feeling better quickly. Eat minimally but include lots of bone broth. My absolute favorite ready-made broth is Lance Roll’s Flavor Chef. No one does broth better than Lance. And take care to get enough sleep, reduce stress and include fun in your life from now on!
Many people find that symptoms such as dry heaves, vomiting and stomach upset are gone within an hour, provided this protocol is begun right away at the first onset of flu symptoms.
The antiviral herbs will help stop a sore throat.
The diatomaceous earth helps to absorb the often toxic die-offs created as the body fights the infection.
If the flu has already gone systemic in your body, it may take 24 to 48 hours to start seeing signs of recovery. Don’t despair, as this is far better than being knocked out of circulation for a week or two.
Dr. Knight says his protocol has sometimes worked so quickly that people have set out for the doctor’s office only to recover en route, turn around and go home. “One can still go to the doctor if really concerned,” he says, “ but if started right away at the first signs of illness this often works so fast that you will be over it before you can make an appointment or go to urgent care and wait to see someone for help. Realize also, that when flu is epidemic, it is not a good time to sit in a waiting room full of hacking and coughing people.”
Keep these natural remedies on hand as part of your natural first aid kit. As Dr. Knight puts it, “It is very important to getting a jump on beating this before the flu pummels you and your family.”
Let me know how this works for you in the comments below. And share your favorite tips too!