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In the vernacular, they are known as “moobs”, “moobies”,”breasticles” or “bitch tits.” The medical term is “gynecomastia.” Whatever, they’re called, so many of our boys and young men are growing breasts that surgeons...
Most people think seizures are rare events that are unlikely to happen to anyone but epileptics. In fact one out of ten Americans will experience seizures during their lifetimes. Seizures can come from brain injury,strokes, tumors, infections, metabolic disorder such as...
Here’s everything you’ve ever wanted to know about eggs but were afraid to ask. What about all that dangerous cholesterol? What color should the egg yolk be? Why not eat just the egg whites? Does cooking cause oxidized cholesterol? ...
Did you know our ancestors ate high-fat, high-protein foods such as eggs and bacon before going to parties or pubs? Such foods help prevent drunkenness, bad behavior and hangovers. How so? The saturated fat in traditional foods not only helps keep blood sugar stable...
Got a splinter that’s gone in but you can’t pull out? For those times when your tweezers don’t work, The Naughty Survivalist™ proposes two everyday household products that can simply and painlessly do the trick. Why go to the doctor when you...
Soy is a common ingredient in weight loss products though it can actually cause weight gain! In fact, more than 70 years of scientific studies link soy to thyroid disorders, most often manifesting as hypothyroidism with its familiar symptoms of weight gain, fatigue, lethargy,...