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Do Vegetarians Live Longer? Donā€™t Count on It! Aug 02, 2014

Comedian Myq Kaplan thinks his vegan diet will help him live long and well.  Although very little science supports that thought, Kaplan has identified a valid reason why it might just work. As he quipped on Conan, “I read a statistic that says vegetarians live an average...

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Are Hobby Lobby and Eden Foods Guilty of Hypocrisy? Jul 01, 2014

Was Hobby Lobby’s Supreme Court victory this week  a triumph for religious freedom or a blow against women’s rights?   Let’s allow that debate to rage elsewhere and  focus here on how Hobby Lobby– and Eden Foods, a natural food company that shares Hobby...

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Soy Milk vs. Soy Infant Formula: What Vegan and Other Health-Conscious Parents Need to Know Jun 26, 2014

Vegan parents who cannot breast feed often choose organic soy milk, believing it to be less toxic than commercially available infant formulas.   By choosing organic, they also avoid GMOs.

While this sounds like a good idea, their good intentions can lead to tragic results because soy milk is...

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Got Sugar? The Secret Ingredient in Cheerios Protein Jun 09, 2014

There’s a new product out called Cheerios Protein, but there’s more sugar in there than protein.

The word “protein” in the name, however,  is no accident.    Today’s marketers know “protein” is a buzz word with tremendous appeal to the...

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Thyroid Cancerā€™s on the Rise and Soyā€™s Not the Solution May 24, 2014

Why has thyroid cancer incidence, especially among women, dramatically increased over the last 30 years?  That’s one of the big questions discussed by Dr. David Brownstein and other experts at The Thyroid Summit.1     This event is online, free and not to be missed....

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Right to Know: How Much Caffeine is in Energy Drinks? May 09, 2014

Energy drinks such as Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar and Full Throttle come in colorful cans with buzz-worthy designs, and constitute one of the fastest growing segments of the beverage market.  Sales of $9 billion in 2012 jumped to $12.5 billion in 2012, and were once predicted to hit a...

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Eat Here, Get Gas! May 05, 2014

Many health experts believe that soy burgers, soy hot dogs, TVP chili and other modern soy products provide high octane fuel.  Figures released by the American Oil Chemists Association have proven them right!

SPI (soy protein isolate) — the ingredient that provides the familiar...

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Soy Tanks Testosterone in Strength-Training Men Apr 29, 2014

For years, top body builders such as the late Vince Gironda touted diets rich in eggs, raw milk, red meat and other animal products while warning about the dangers of soy protein.1    Gironda went so far as to call soy protein that s*&%#**    The soy industry, of...

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Spotted Dick Apr 21, 2014

The Brits have a pudding known as “Spotted Dick.”

I am not making this up.   I would have thought the naughty cylindrical shape and name “Spotted Dick” would be funny enough, but it seems “good things come for those who wait.”    After being...

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Are You Food Literate? Nourishing Lessons from Madison and McGruther Apr 12, 2014

A surprisingly good article entitled “Good Greens” came out in the New Yorker this week.  As expected, the title pays homage to the goodness and healthiness of vegetables and references the deliciousness of the vegetarian recipes in The Greens Cookbook...

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